Piano Student Parents as Supporters

Eric and I have incredibly supportive parents in our studio. We encourage this participation, because we think of ourselves as part of a team in teaching piano lessons.  Here’s what our parents do that make them exceptional:


They sit in on lessons.

Not everyone can do so, but when possible, most students love to know their parents are listening and involved. When we study music history during partner lessons, many parents enjoy the stories. Several even participated in “guess the composer” as I played classical music the last couple of weeks.


They check practice records.

This holds students accountable for their part in learning piano: the practicing.


They take advantage of performances.

Eric and I charge either nothing or $1 or $2 for most recitals because we believe performance is extremely valuable. Our wonderful parents agree, and have their kids there for as many performances as possible.


Parents. . . thank you for caring and supporting your budding pianists!