Three Ways To Keep Your Student Practicing

By Rhonda Barfield

How does a parent deal with a child who’s resisting practicing? Here are some tips that may help.

1. Help him or her to design a practice schedule. Early morning before school, right after dinner in winter months, just before lunch in the summer, after school during traditional times, or dividing the practicing into two short sessions-- whatever works. Once parent and child figure this out in advance, there’s no need to continue arguing about it.

2. Have your child mark the practice times in his book. Check these. Let your child know you take this responsibility seriously. Hold him or her accountable. You might consider a reward system, too. My parents used to pay me to practice-- not sure how wise that was-- but it got me through some unmotivated times.

3. Talk to us about a change of pace. Eric and I can adjust lesson plans or materials to fit your child’s needs.

One way or another, there are positive steps parents can take to keep their children in piano lessons. Someday, they’ll thank you for it.